Why We Tithe

The word “Tithe” means “tenth” or “ten percent.” A tithe is the first ten percent of your income

An offering is anything you give beyond ten percent.

The Biblical purpose of tithing is to teach us to always put God first in our lives. Tithing is a reminder that God is the supplier of all we have.

Ways to Give

Giving Boxes

Giving boxes at the exits in the back of the Worship Center

Tithing Envelopes

If interested in tithing envelopes email Kristi at kristi@limacrossroads.org or click on the button below to fill out the form.

Give Online

You may give a one time donation or schedule recurring donations by using your savings/checking account, debit or credit card.

Text to Give

Text COMMANDS to (419) 909 - 3696

Direct Deposit

A direct deposit is our suggested way of giving because there are no fees that take away from your gift to the church. Contact Kristi at kristi@limacrossroads.org on how to give this way.


Drop in your Tithing Envelopes when the plate passes