Week 6: Final Contradiction

February 18, 2024

1 Corinthians 1:18 NIV

Isaiah 55:8 NIV

  • Un-spectacular
  • Seen as a curse
  • Emphasizes the suffering of Christ
Hebrews 4:15 NRSV

  • Boast in our weaknesses
2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV
  • Changes our prayer
  • Kingdom priority living
"What if our real identity is unceasing spiritual beings and our true home is the kingdom of heaven?  What if our main reason for being here is to experience life as a transforming friendship with God, daily learning how to reign and rule with God forever?Jesus’ central message did seem to be that our true culture is the kingdom and it’s time to come back home, right here and now.  He’s looking for people willing to resist earthly rhythms… That is what Christianity is all about."

- Gary Moon, Apprenticeship with Jesus, p.52